Understanding Your Electric Bill


NEW BILL FORMATS – Beginning this week, customers will begin seeing their bills in a new format! Each bill will include an insert of the information below, which shows where to find all the information you’ll be looking for.

Our new bill print software also allows us to show more detail in the charge portion of the bill, so you’ll notice some descriptions you haven’t seen before now. These are NOT new charges, they’ve always been there, but the old bills just presented them in one lump total. The new format allows us to provide that information on the bill itself instead of the customer having to go to our website to find the information.

Electric service charges consist of an access charge, the energy charge per kWh, and the TVA fuel cost adjustment per kWh. Residential and small business accounts also include a demand cost recovery adjustment (DCRA). Again, these are not new charges, we’re just providing all of the detail on the bill going forward. Explanations of these charges and the individual amounts for past months are available on our website here.

See the attachment below for an explanation of the new bill format. If you have any questions after you receive your bill, please feel free to contact us. We hope the new format will be easier to read and easier to understand.


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